Rundtur till Montserrat och vingården Oller del Mas från Barcelona
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Rundtur till Montserrat och vingården Oller del Mas från Barcelona
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Rundtur till Montserrat och vingården Oller del Mas från Barcelona

1 day
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Om den här aktiviteten
Guiden hämtar upp dig från centrala Barcelona på morgonen och tar med dig till vackra Montserrat. Följ med på en guidad tur och se klostret och få lite ledig tid, innan du beger dig till Oller del Mas – ett enastående slott från 900-talet med en vacker vingård på 405 hektar land.

Utforska vingårdarna, produktionsområdet och källaren. Du får lära dig mer om vintillverkningen av din lokala guide. Som avslutning på en underbar dag kan du luta dig tillbaka och slappna av medan du provsmakar tre viner som serveras med autentiska spanska tapas i slottet.

Du återvänder till Barcelona under eftermiddagen.
Läs mer Visa mindre
  • Delad transport i en bekväm luftkonditionerad buss
  • Lokal engelsktalande guide
  • Guidat besök på Montserrat-klostret (1 timme)
  • En halvtimme ledig tid i Montserrat
  • Guidat besök till Oller del Mas vingårdar, vinkällare och slott
  • Provning av tre ekologiska viner
  • Lunch med kalla tapas och dessert
  • En flaska vatten, tillhandahålls mot slutet av rundturen
  • Möjlighet att köpa vinerna du smakar (leverans möjlig)
Ingår ej
  • Dricks (valfritt)
  • Upphämtning och avlämning på hotellet
  • Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället
  • Rundturen avgår från Plaza Catalunya, 21 (vid Hard Rock Café) – håll utkik efter det rosa paraplyet.
  • Rundturen avgår kl. 08.45 (var på plats senast kl. 08.30).
  • Det finns en begränsning på högst 16 personer per grupp, men transporten delas med andra grupper.
  • Observera att vi förbehåller oss rätten att ändra ordningen på platser som besöks om det anses nödvändigt.
  • Bekväma kläder och skor rekommenderas eftersom det ingår en del promenader.
  • Temperaturen i Montserrat och på vingården brukar vara mer extrem än i Barcelona. Se väderprognosen dagen före och klä dig därefter.
  • Barn som är 3 år eller yngre kan delta i rundturen utan extra kostnad, men observera att inga bilbarnstolar eller måltider tillhandahålls.
  • Om du har nedsatt rörlighet ber vi dig att kontakta oss innan bokningen. Vi gör vårt bästa för att välkomna alla ombord!
  • Vi anpassar oss efter eventuella allergier eller specialkost – du behöver inte meddela oss i förväg!
  • Montserrat är ett naturreservat och ett mycket uppskattat besöksmål som inte går att utforska helt under en enda rundtur. Du får möjlighet till egen tid i Montserrat. Om du skulle vilja tillbringa mer tid i Montserrat kan du prata med guiden vid ankomst.
Valentina V
5 | 2019-09-30

We booked Monserrat Half-Day tour online for our cruise ship stop in Barcelona. The ship terminal is far away from the city centre meeting point. Our tour started at 9:30am, and we were very tight in time to return on board. I asked organiser to change time for an earlier tour but seats were not available. The organiser gave us an option to skip a wine tour and return to Barcelona from Montserrat earlier on another bus. It was a perfect solution for us! Our guide was excellent, we enjoyed his stories and jokes. He transferred us to another returning bus at a winery stop. Thank you for the excursion and for the care! It was a pleasant day, free of hustles!

Candace F
5 | 2019-09-27

My daughter and I booked this tour, and had a wonderful time. Albert was our guide, and he was so informative with respect to the history of Barcelona, speaking about different things during the trip to Montserrat. Once we got to the monastery, he gave a great tour and history of the area. The wine tasting and tapas were fun and informative. Overall we had a wonderful day!

Maria S
5 | 2019-09-24

Easy way to get to Montserrat, have some guiding information and see the countryside (with Wine!). Alberto was friendly and informative. Great day trip.

Samuel A
5 | 2019-09-18

We loved this tour because it got us out of Barcelona to see the countryside and amazing Madonna and mountains. We had plenty of time to walk around Monserrat - we enjoyed seeing Spaniards attending mass while we were looking at the incredible sites! Winery was tasty and fun too! Rubi was the best tour guide too - he answered our questions and gave great insights.

Maria R
5 | 2019-07-03

Tour to Montserrat and the winery was amazing. Mercedes, our tour guide was wonderful. She was knowledgeable and had a very uplifting attitude. She made the tour a wonderful experience

5 | 2019-07-03

Tour guide made this tour so much fun. Loved Montserrat and the stories, views and the winery was good too. Took pics of group, gave recommendations for Barcelona and overall professional, knowledgeable and interesting!

Kelly T
4 | 2019-07-03

I wanted to like this tour a bit more than I did. It felt the 'free time' at Montserrat (which is amazing) was too short, only to be wasted in the bus waiting on MIA participants. The winery was very neat, however the wine tasting was limited and did not start until after lunch, which we found a bit bizarre. Then there was not much time afterwards for an additional glass of wine. Seemed to be a lot of hurrying up then waiting - poor use of time overall at two amazing sites. Our guide Silvia was quite nice though.

samantha h
5 | 2019-07-03

I had an amazing day trip...beautiful scenery. So much to see and our tour guide was very knowledgeable. The wine and tapas was delicious...

Mr Fred
5 | 2019-07-03

Had a fantastic day, great wine tasting, good guiding. Montserrat is a place that everyone should visit when in Barcelona. This tour is well matched, nice ride, Montserrat is spectacular, and to finish great wine tasting.

Susan R
5 | 2019-07-03

I have taken many Viator trips; the guide can make all the difference. Marta (and associates) was an excellent guide. I initially only booked the tour for the Montserrat part; really wasn't interested in the winery visit. But the winery visit was my favorite part of the day! Montserrat was lovely, but I'm glad I only did the half day tour. With that being said, the half day tour really didn't allow time for the funicular ride, or an up-close view of the Madonna. Overall, a wonderful experience.

Kevin D
5 | 2019-07-03

This was a really enjoyable tour. The tour was very well organized and our guide Mercedes was informative and a pleasure to spend the day with. We traveled to Montserrat to see the Black Madonna and the beautiful views from the top. We then went to a very nice family owned winery for lunch and 3 different glasses of wine. We were back on time, which was important for us to get back to our ship. Very well done and a very good value.

David W
5 | 2019-05-03

– We had a great tour with Marta. We had more free time at Montserrat that we expected, which was great! The winery location is beautiful and the tasting was educational and delicious. Having a vegan diet, they did a great job of providing us a wonderful cold tapas lunch.

Carolyn E
5 | 2019-04-18

Thoroughly enjoyed our day on this tour! Would definitely recommend! Marta (and the other tour guides on the bus) were awesome! Funny and very informative! Had plenty of time to wander around the grounds of Monserrat and enjoy the beautiful views! And we thoroughly enjoyed our tapas lunch and wine sampling at the winery afterwards! Was a fun day!

Edward C
5 | 2019-03-27

The tour was super coupled with a tremendous tour director. It was a pleasure being on his tour. He was very knowledgeable and made the trip a little extra special

Natalia A
5 | 2019-01-15

Breathtaking views, amazing and entertaining history lessons, delicious wine and tapas and lots of laughs with the best guides ever - those are just some of the things you're going to enjoy on the tour to Montserrat and the wine tasting at a castle dating back to 10th century. All in all, a wonderful experience, whether you're travelling solo or with your family. Totally worth the try even if you have just a couple of days in Barcelona.

Anna-Maria K
5 | 2019-01-09

From the bus ride to the location and the knowledge of the guides, especially Carolina Castellano who was our guide. There were no disappointments. A wonderful day from start to finish.

5 | 2018-10-22

We had an amazing time with Pol as our tour guide- all the tour guides are very friendly and knowledgable! Montserrat is a breath-taking place and it’s worth spending some more time there but we only did the half day tour which leaves about 1h free time there. The Oller del Mas winery is a boutique winery overlooking Montserrat in the distance- we had a great time doing the wine tasting there. Definitely a must!

Umesh D
5 | 2018-10-15

Our guide Borja was very good. Very informative and took his time to explain and allowed enough time to see the place. wine tasting was awesome and learnt a lot about wines.

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